Numerical Dominance of the Argentine Ant vs Native Ants and Consequences on Soil Resource Searching in Mediterranean Cork-Oak Forests (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) |
Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Bas Lay, Josep Maria
; Casellas, David
; Gómez López, Crisanto
2011 |
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions |
Kühn, Ingolf
; Kowarik, Ingo
; Kollmann, Johannes
; Starfinger, Uwe
; Bacher, Sven
; Blackburn, Tim M.
; Bustamante, Ramiro O.
; Celesti-Grapow, Laura
; Chytrý, Milan
; Colautti, Robert I.
; Essl, Franz
; Foxcroft, Llewellyn C.
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
; Gollasch, Stephan
; Hierro, José
; Hufbauer, Ruth A.
; Hulme, Philip E.
; JaroÅ¡Ãk, VojtÄ›ch
; Jeschke, Jonathan M.
; Karrer, Gerhard
; Mack, Richard N.
; Molofsky, Jane
; Murray, Brad R.
; Nentwig, Wolfgang
; Osborne, Bruce
; Pyšek, Petr
; Rabitsch, Wolfgang
; Rejmánek, Marcel
; Roques, Alain
; Shaw, Richard
; Sol, Daniel
; Kleunen, Mark van
; Vilà , Montserrat
; Lippe, Moritz von der
; Wolfe, Lorne M.
; Penev, Lyubomir
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions |
Kühn, Ingolf
; Kowarik, Ingo
; Kollmann, Johannes
; Starfinger, Uwe
; Bacher, Sven
; Blackburn, Tim M.
; Bustamante, Ramiro O.
; Celesti-Grapow, Laura
; Chytrý, Milan
; Colautti, Robert I.
; Essl, Franz
; Foxcroft, Llewellyn C.
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
; Gollasch, Stephan
; Hierro, José
; Hufbauer, Ruth A.
; Hulme, Philip E.
; JaroÅ¡Ãk, VojtÄ›ch
; Jeschke, Jonathan M.
; Karrer, Gerhard
; Mack, Richard N.
; Molofsky, Jane
; Murray, Brad R.
; Nentwig, Wolfgang
; Osborne, Bruce
; Pyšek, Petr
; Rabitsch, Wolfgang
; Rejmánek, Marcel
; Roques, Alain
; Shaw, Richard
; Sol, Daniel
; Kleunen, Mark van
; Vilà , Montserrat
; Lippe, Moritz von der
; Wolfe, Lorne M.
; Penev, Lyubomir
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions |
Kühn, Ingolf
; Kowarik, Ingo
; Kollmann, Johannes
; Starfinger, Uwe
; Bacher, Sven
; Blackburn, Tim M.
; Bustamante, Ramiro O.
; Celesti-Grapow, Laura
; Chytrý, Milan
; Colautti, Robert I.
; Essl, Franz
; Foxcroft, Llewellyn C.
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
; Gollasch, Stephan
; Hierro, José
; Hufbauer, Ruth A.
; Hulme, Philip E.
; JaroÅ¡Ãk, VojtÄ›ch
; Jeschke, Jonathan M.
; Karrer, Gerhard
; Mack, Richard N.
; Molofsky, Jane
; Murray, Brad R.
; Nentwig, Wolfgang
; Osborne, Bruce
; Pyšek, Petr
; Rabitsch, Wolfgang
; Rejmánek, Marcel
; Roques, Alain
; Shaw, Richard
; Sol, Daniel
; Kleunen, Mark van
; Vilà , Montserrat
; Lippe, Moritz von der
; Wolfe, Lorne M.
; Penev, Lyubomir
1 juny 2018 |
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions |
5 juny 2018 |
Open minded and open access: introducing NeoBiota, a new peer-reviewed journal of biological invasions |
Kühn, Ingolf
; Kowarik, Ingo
; Kollmann, Johannes
; Starfinger, Uwe
; Bacher, Sven
; Blackburn, Tim M.
; Bustamante, Ramiro O.
; Celesti-Grapow, Laura
; Chytrý, Milan
; Colautti, Robert I.
; Essl, Franz
; Foxcroft, Llewellyn C.
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
; Gollasch, Stephan
; Hierro, José
; Hufbauer, Ruth A.
; Hulme, Philip E.
; JaroÅ¡Ãk, VojtÄ›ch
; Jeschke, Jonathan M.
; Karrer, Gerhard
; Mack, Richard N.
; Molofsky, Jane
; Murray, Brad R.
; Nentwig, Wolfgang
; Osborne, Bruce
; Pyšek, Petr
; Rabitsch, Wolfgang
; Rejmánek, Marcel
; Roques, Alain
; Shaw, Richard
; Sol, Daniel
; Kleunen, Mark van
; Vilà , Montserrat
; Lippe, Moritz von der
; Wolfe, Lorne M.
; Penev, Lyubomir
Origin and genetic diversity of mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) introduced to Europe |
Vidal FÃ brega, Oriol
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
; Tedesco, Pablo A.
; GarcÃa MarÃn, José Luis
2010 |
Origin and genetic diversity of mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) introduced to Europe |
Vidal i FÃ brega, Oriol
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
; Tedesco, Pablo A.
; GarcÃa MarÃn, José Luis
juny 2019 |
Possibles controls en la invasió de l’alga Halimeda incrassata |
GarcÃa Hierro, Andrea
Predicting Argentine ant invasion across spatial scales via ecological niche models |
Roura i Pascual, Núria
12 desembre 2006 |
Predicting Argentine ant invasion across spatial scales via ecological niche models |
Roura i Pascual, Núria
2009 |
Presence of the alien chinese pond mussel Anodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in the Iberian Peninsula |
Pou i Rovira, Quim
; Araujo, R.
; Boix Masafret, Dani
; Clavero Pineda, Miguel
; Feo, Carles
; Ordeix i Rigo, Marc
; Zamora Hernández, LluÃs
Presence of the alien chinese pond mussel Anodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in the Iberian Peninsula |
Pou i Rovira, Quim
; Araujo, R.
; Boix Masafret, Dani
; Clavero Pineda, Miguel
; Feo, Carles
; Ordeix i Rigo, Marc
; Zamora Hernández, LluÃs
2005 |
Profiling invasive fish species: The importance of phylogeny and human use |
Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles
; Vila i Gispert, Anna
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
Profiling invasive fish species: The importance of phylogeny and human use |
Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles
; Vila i Gispert, Anna
; GarcÃa-Berthou, Emili
Propagule pressure from invasive plant species in gardens in low-density suburban areas of the Costa Brava (Spain) |
Padullés Cubino, Josep
; Vila Subirós, Josep
; Barriocanal Lozano, Carles
2015 |
Propagule pressure from invasive plant species in gardens in low-density suburban areas of the Costa Brava (Spain) |
Padullés Cubino, Josep
; Vila Subirós, Josep
; Barriocanal Lozano, Carles
juliol 2024 |
De quina manera es poden detectar i localitzar els nius de vespa asià tica (Vespa velutina)? |
Tous Tito, Marina
2002 |
Reaction-diffusion wave fronts: Multigeneration biological species under climate change |
Campos, Daniel
; Fort, Joaquim
; Llebot, Josep Enric
Reaction-diffusion wave fronts: Multigeneration biological species under climate change |
Campos, Daniel
; Fort, Joaquim
; Llebot, Josep Enric
2005 |
Reduction of the Ant Mandible Gap Range After Biotic Homogenization Caused by an Ant Invasion (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) |
Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Bas Lay, Josep Maria
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Reduction of the Ant Mandible Gap Range After Biotic Homogenization Caused by an Ant Invasion (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) |
Oliveras Huix, Jordi
; Bas Lay, Josep Maria
; Gómez López, Crisanto
Relative roles of climatic suitability and anthropogenic influence in determining the pattern of spread in a global invader |
Roura i Pascual, Núria
; Hui, Cang
; Ikeda, Takayoshi
; Leday, Gwénaël
; Richardson, David M.
; Carpintero, Soledad
; Espadaler, Xavier
; Gómez López, Crisanto
; Guénard, Benoit
; Hartley, Stephen
; Krushelnycky, Paul
; Lester, Philip J
; McGeoch, Melodie A.
; Menke, Sean B.
; Pedersen, Jes Søe
; Pitt, Joel P. W.
; Reyes, Joaquin
; Sanders, Nathan J.
; Suárez, Andrew V.
; Touyama, Yoshifumi
; Ward, Darren
; Ward, Philip S.
; Worner, Sue P.
2011 |
Relative roles of climatic suitability and anthropogenic influence in determining the pattern of spread in a global invader |
Roura i Pascual, Núria
; Hui, Cang
; Ikeda, Takayoshi
; Leday, Gwénaël
; Richardson, David M.
; Carpintero, Soledad
; Espadaler, Xavier
; Gómez López, Crisanto
; Guénard, Benoit
; Hartley, Stephen
; Krushelnycky, Paul
; Lester, Philip J
; McGeoch, Melodie A.
; Menke, Sean B.
; Pedersen, Jes Søe
; Pitt, Joel P. W.
; Reyes, Joaquin
; Sanders, Nathan J.
; Suárez, Andrew V.
; Touyama, Yoshifumi
; Ward, Darren
; Ward, Philip
; Worner, Sue P.
Reproducció i desenvolupament de la mallerenga blava (Cyanistes caeruleus): conseqüències de la invasió de la formiga argentina (Linepithema humile) en la xarxa tròfica del bosc mediterrani |
Estany-Tigerström, David